me: Ian don't do that.
ian: please mom - you can have a piece of my halloween candy.
me: I don't want your candy.
ian: you can have two pieces of my halloween candy.
me: it kind of smells in here.
ian: yeah, smells like china.
me: ian, what happened to your hand?
ian: a monster bit it - you see the blood all over?
me: not really. when did he bite you?
ian: august 17th. my birthday party.
ian (as he grabs on to the chandelier over the table): Mom, we not live in the jade palace.
me: No we don't. please get off the chandelier.
ian: we live in washington.
me: where are you going?
ian (with his coat, shoes, backpack and two light sabers): I'm going to the forest to whack the monster.
haha. Priceless!
It is funny how kids are so alike. Flynn also goes everywhere with his backpack, and currently has a knife in his pocket (not a real one) to get some bad guys "just in case" as he puts it. They would get along great, which wouldn't work out to great for all those monsters and bad guys. Ian sounds like an amazing kid. I bet he is. - brett
So funny! I love the monster bite one! Ok I love them all.
So...who does Ian take after anyway? Curt or you Amy! Too cute! I like the hanging from the chandelier. You go Ian, drive that mom crazy!
Only a grandma can say that.
hilarious. i love the halloween candy negotiation.
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