Saturday, February 14, 2009



Yelling, dancing and walking

Get soaking wet in the freezing cold water outside.


Unknown said...

Fun Times at the Leonard's House! He looked like he was wanting to just let go and go for it.

Ashley said...

It is about time, Mom and I have been waiting for video! He is so funny, i love the first video, he does a good fish impression.

Greg and Nicole Jensen said...

what a cutie! Did you guys get a piano and new couches? Your place looks great......of course so does James...

Cami said...

How is it possible that he's 14 months and walking already. Wasn't he just born a few months ago?

Cami said...

p.s. i love his dancing

Cami said...

hahaha....i just realized that ian is walking around in his underwear in the background