Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Oh my baby

Is clearly not a baby anymore and was so excited to start school today. I wasn't quite sure what to do with myself so I went to Target and wandered through the store finding lots of things to buy that we don't need (especially from the new Missoni line - LOVE IT). It was dreamy - but I miss him already.


Heather said...

I love that last picture - super cute. Is he there all day all week? Not sure how other preschools work ;)

Cami said...

Hahaha man that kid's got a good wink face

acl said...

Heather - he is there twice a week for 2 1/2 hours.

Ashley said...

He looks seriously so grown up in these pictures, I really thought they were Ian at first! Love you Jamesy!

Kathy said...

First day of school....ever! Wow James. It's hard to believe you are so grown up! Have fun bud! Love you.

Cami said...

Mike says he's like a child model.

Paulyandmeg said...

Seriously that last one of him is the best! I love how he has a different expression in each picture. He is so freakin cute.