Wednesday, March 22, 2006

Instead of

Today, instead of getting stuff done, Ashley came over and we went shopping. She told me to post these pictures with a special note to Nicki that says, "haha, I'm hanging out with Ian."

Ian loves that Aunt Ashley's hair is so easy to get to.

Yesterday I learned that Ian isn't very good at sharing, yet. Just after this picture he started screaming.

He and Atticus kept themselves busy while Melanie and I made bebe food.



Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh you both are killing me here. It is a little after midnight. I figured that I would just check my laptop for any 'new' ianblogs before I started a little exam and just as I am about ready to go 'ahhh' at my sound asleep elephant ignoring nephew's picture...what I saw made me loose my chip into the justlookatmeandiwillmakeyouafatty cheese dip...Ashley is holding a wide eyed baby Ian. So that is why she was too busy to take my phone call - her arms were full. "Oh my little baby nephew - PULL HER HAIR, GO ON, PULL IT, SHE WILL LIKE IT, I PROMISE..." Love your anonymous XXXXX

Anonymous said...

We are all jelous of Ashley's position of being the Aunt living near baby Ian who gets to hold him and kiss him all the time!!!!

We will be there soon Ian. Don't give all those kisses to that bratty!!!!

Anonymous said...

Ok so i have to admit i'm as bad as nicki. I could be checking the code cart right now but checking the blog at midnight sounded like more fun.