that's awesome! i'm sure they'll be great buddies. i read that ideal spacing for sibling is either 18 months, so they don't really know any better than to have a sibling, or three years, so they are excited to take care of the baby. seems like ian will be about 18 months, no? (ours are 16 apart and it's great...for them at least :-) i'm sure they'll love each other to death, no matter. congratulations!
congrats!!! ian is going to LOVE having a brother! i can't wait to meet him.
Wow! Shows how close I keep tabs, I didn't even know you guys were expecting. Congrats!
I didn't know either! Congratulations! I"m excited for you three. :)
Thanks girls - I know - the news hasn't been widely published so far. Although I am freakin huge in all my pictures on the blog.
Awesome... congrats. cant wait to see you all.
that's awesome! i'm sure they'll be great buddies. i read that ideal spacing for sibling is either 18 months, so they don't really know any better than to have a sibling, or three years, so they are excited to take care of the baby. seems like ian will be about 18 months, no? (ours are 16 apart and it's great...for them at least :-) i'm sure they'll love each other to death, no matter. congratulations!
Oh wow! so exciting! Congratulations!!
yay for boys! that is great news amy. we're so excited for you guys.
Sorry I'm so late on the congrats, but CONGRATS! I'm so happy for you!!
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