Thursday, December 31, 2009

Does it run in the family?

This week Ian had his first roller skating experience. It sounded fun in theory...

but ended up looking mostly like this (I mean, he actually did still have fun, I think).

He asked me later - "Mom, why am I not good at roller skating?" I showed him pictures of his Grandma Clay roller skating and told him maybe when he is 10 he, too, will skate like this:

An action shot for his grandma - the professional.


Joshua said...

was that at Melody? - so many good memories..

acl said...

Auburn skating rink - Brooke said it was where they went growing up so probably.

ginger said...

Love the old skating picture!

Kathy Clay said...

Ian, you did such a good job skating. I can hardly wait to come back to skate with you! What fond memories. The first time Joe lifted me straight up he fell backward and got a big bump on his head, but we learned how soon enough.

laura said...

Your mom was a competitive roller skater? Coolest thing ever.